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Press Conference at Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan
Recommendations by International Independent Experts for Current Radiation Protection Measures to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Victims
CSRP held a press conference on the “Conclusion” of the 6th Citizen-Scientist International Symposium on Radiation Protection and “The Nihonmatsu Declaration on the Risks of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation” (see below for more details) at the Foreign Correspondent’ Club of Japan on Wednesday, March 15, 2017. The speakers of the press conference were :
- Cécile Asanuma-Brice: President of CSRP / Vice-director, North Asia Office, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France
- Nanako Shimizu: Associate Professor, Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University
- Keith Baverstock: Department of Environmental Science, University of Eastern Finland (via Skype)
第6回 市民科学者国際会議「結論」と「低線量電離放射線被ばくのリスクに関する二本松宣言」を公表
(English version below)
特定非営利活動法人 市民科学者国際会議は、去る2016年10月7~10日、福島県二本松市で、「第6回 市民科学者国際会議 —— チェルノブイリと福島の現実から」を開催しました。会議では、利益相反のない、独立の立場で研究・実践活動を行っている内外の専門家14人が「低線量放射線の疫学」と「原発事故後の言葉、法、倫理」を主要テーマに、研究発表と被災者・市民を交えた円卓会議を行ないました。
CSRP publishes the “Conclusion” of the 6th Citizen-Scientist International Symposium on Radiation Protection and “The Nihonmatsu Declaration on the Risks of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation”
Six years after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, thyroid cancer, low dose radiation, the refuge policy and the decision to reopen a part of the evacuation zone in this context have become an issue of concern mainly for the residents of Fukushima but also for all who are living in contaminating area outside this Prefecture.
The Citizen-Scientist International Symposium on Radiation Protection (CSRP), a non-profit organization based in Tokyo, has published two recommendations reports signed by international experts belonging to scientific organizations from all over the world (Finland, France, Switzerland, Ukraine, Australia, Germany, Taiwan, Japan) addressed to Japanese administrative authorities in charge of risk communication and radiation protection measures in the area affected by radioactive materials released from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.
Fourteen independent experts from inside and outside of Japan participated at the 6th Citizen-Scientist International Symposium on Radiation Protection, held from October 7 to October 10, 2016, in Nihonmatsu, Fukushima prefecture, in order to present their latest research. Over three days, they exchanged opinions on the themes of “Epidemiology of low-dose radiation” and “Discourses, laws and ethics after the nuclear power plant accident.” They compiled their propositions in two recommendations text they signed, based on discussions they had during the symposium, but also on findings and numerous study reports published after Chernobyl and Fukushima.
The first recommendation agreement, “Conclusion” of the 6th CSRP, take a critical look at risk communication currently conducted by the Japanese authorities, and listed up 6 recommendations deemed indispensable from the victims’ viewpoint.
The second recommendation agreement, entitled “The Nihonmatsu Declaration on the Risks of Exposure to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation,” uses the “linear non-threshold (LNT) model” based on the latest scientific findings demonstrating scientific impertinence and lack of political wisdom of the present return policy for the evacuees to areas below 20 millisievert per year.
The Japanese version of these two recommendation reports were published in the March 2016 issue of Science Magazine “Kagaku (Science),” and the electronic English version on its special website.
CSRP has transmitted these recommendations agreement to Minister of the Environment, Director General of Reconstruction Agency, Chairman of Nuclear Regulation Authority and the Governor of Fukushima Prefecture, and held press conferences for Japanese journalists and foreign correspondents in Japan (see above).
CSRP 2016
第6回 市民科学者国際会議
Archived Videos / アーカイブ映像
Keynote lecture
Seventy years of denial How Artificial Radioactivity harms Nature
Darwinism is discredited but was Darwin right?
【Session 1 Low-dose radiation epidemiology】
【セッション1 低線量放射線の疫学】
The International Nuclear Worker Study (INWORKS): improving knowledge on cancer mortality risk from low-dose exposure to ionizing radiation
Background Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Childhood Cancer – Results from Recent Studies
Modern approaches for woman and children health protection from consequences of radiation accidents
Round-table 1. Low-dose radiation exposure and tasks for public health
円卓会議 1. 低線量被曝と公衆衛生の課題
The Questions of CSIJ and Replies of IAEA concerning the IAEA Director General's Report on the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Accident
Recent events concerning the thyroid ultrasound screening for the Fukushima Health Management Survey by the Fukushima prefectural government
【Session 2 Discourses, laws and ethics after nuclear plant accident】
【セッション 2 原発事故後の言葉、法、倫理】
Crisis Surrounding the Right to Health of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Victims : A Report from Tochigi Prefecture
Fukushima nuclear plant : Time for an end to the End Of Times
Social Abuse caused by Structural Violence: Scientific Proofs of Mental Health Impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
【Session 3 The arts after the nuclear catastrophe -Between Art and Science-】
【Session 3 原子力災害後のアート ~科学と芸術の狭間~】
Round-table 2. Low-dose radiation exposure and tasks for public health
円卓会議 2. 原発事故後の公衆衛生の枠組み
Why have people in Fukushima felt anxiety and distrust?
Radiation low dose seen by the nuclear governance, its Critic and Nuclear Workers
Round-table discussion 3 and wrap-up
福島県内仮設住宅居住者にみられる 高い心的外傷後ストレス症状 一 原子力発電所事故がもたらした身体・心理・社会的影響一 / High-level Post-traumatic Stress Symptoms of the Residents in Fukushima Temporary Housing: Bio-psycho-social lmpacts by Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
辻内琢也/小牧久見子/岩垣穂大/増田和高/山口摩弥/福田千加子/石川則子/持田隆平/小島隆矢/根ヶ山光一/扇原 淳/熊野宏昭 抄録:本研究は,東日本大震災に伴って発生した福島原子力発電所事故の2年後に,福島県内の 仮設住宅において避難生活を送る住民の心的外傷後 … Read More
Now in Fukushima
Cases of thyroid cancer up among Fukushima kids in 2nd screening: prefectural panel
FUKUSHIMA — In its second round of health exams for residents who were 18 years old or younger at the time of the March 2011 … Read More
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- Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute
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- CRIIRAD / Commission de recherche et d'information indépendantes sur la radioactivité
- CSRP / Citizen-Scientist International Symposium on Radiation Protection / 市民科学者国際会議
- Dose Assessment and Recording Working Group
- European Commission / EC / 欧州委員会
- Expert Meeting on Health Management After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident, Ministry of the Environment / 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故に伴う住民の健康管理のあり方に関する専門家会議
- FCT / 福島中央テレビ
- Fuji News Network / フジニュースネットワーク
- Fukushima Global Medical Science Center / ふくしま国際医療科学センター
- Fukushima Medical University / 福島県立医科大学
- Fukushima Radiation and Health / 放射線医学県民健康管理センター
- Fukushima-Minpo / 福島民報
- German Society for Radiation Protection / ドイツ放射線防護協会
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- ICRP / International Commission on Radiological Protection / 国際放射線防護委員会
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- International society for environmental epidemiology / 国際環境疫学会
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- IRSN / L'Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire / フランス放射線防護原子力安全研究所
- Japan Chemical Analysis Center / 日本分析センター
- Japan Medical Association / 日本医師会
- Japan Thyroid Association / 日本甲状腺学会
- Kyodo news / 共同通信
- Kyoto University / 京都大学
- Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute / KURRI / 京都大学原子炉実験所
- Mainichi Newspapers / 毎日新聞
- Meteorological Research Institute / 気象庁気象研究所
- Meteorological Research Institute / 気象研究所
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- Ministry of Education Culture Sports Science and Technology / 文部科学省
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- Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare / 厚生労働省
- Nagasaki University / 長崎大学
- NAIIC / The National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission / 国会 東京電力福島原子力発電所事故調査委員会
- National Academy of Sciences / 米国科学アカデミー
- National Cancer Institute (NCI) / 米国国立癌研究所
- National Institute for Environmental Studies / 国立環境研究所
- National Institute of Radiological Sciences / NIRS / 放射線医学総合研究所
- Nature
- NHK / 日本放送協会
- Nikkei Inc.
- Nippon Foundation / 日本財団
- Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University / 日本獣医生命科学大学
- Nuclear Regulation Authority / 原子力規制委員会
- Nuclear Safety Research Association / 原子力安全研究協会
- Okayama university / 岡山大学
- Operation Tomodachi Registry
- OurPlanet TV
- Physicians for Social Responsibility / PSR / 社会的責任を果たすための医師団
- Radiation Effects Research Foundation / RERF / 放射線影響研究所
- Radiation Medical Science Center for the Fukushima Health Management Survey / 放射線医学県民健康管理センター
- SAFLAN / Save Fukushima Children Lawyers' Netwaork / 福島の子どもたちを守る法律家ネットワーク
- Science Council of Japan / 日本学術会議
- Social science / 社会科学
- Stanford University
- Strahlentelex / 放射線テレックス
- Swiss National Cohort Study Group
- Swiss Pediatric Oncology Group
- TEPCO / 東京電力
- The Asahi Shimbun Company / 朝日新聞
- The Fukushima Minyu Shimbun / 福島民友
- the Government of Japan / 日本政府
- The Telegraph
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Yomiuri Shimbun / 読売新聞
- Tokyo Metropolitan University / 首都大学東京
- Tokyo Newspaper / 東京新聞
- U.S. Department of Defense / 国防総省
- University of Limoges, CRIDEAU- OMIJ / リモージュ大学 環境法・土地利用・都市開発学際研究センター
- University of the Ryukyus / 琉球大学
- UNSCEAR / United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation / 原子放射線の影響に関する国連科学委員会
- Waseda University Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction Support Legal Work Project / 早稲田大学東日本大震災復興支援法務プロジェクト
- WHO / World Health Organization / 世界保健機関
- 福島大学
- By Subject / 分野別
- Atmospheric chemistry / 大気化学
- Biology / 生物学
- Congenital anomaly / 先天性異常
- Dose Evaluation / 線量評価
- Ecological epidemiology / 生態疫学
- Emergency response / 緊急時対応
- Environmental Contamination / 環境汚染
- Environmental epidemiology / 環境疫学
- Epidemiology / 疫学
- Food and Agriculture / 食と農
- Health Management Survey / 健康管理調査
- Hiroshima-Nagasaki / ヒロシマ・ナガサキ
- Information disaster / 情報災害
- Laws and Rights / 法と権利
- Low dose exposure / 低線量被曝
- Measurement / 測定
- Medical Anthoropology / 医療人類学
- Medical Anthropology / 医療人類学
- Medical Care / 医療
- Medical exposure / 医療被曝
- Morphology / 形態学
- Natural Radiation / 自然放射線
- Oceanography / 海洋学
- Pathognomy / 診断学
- Perinatal care / 周産期医療
- Physics / 物理
- Public Health / 公衆衛生
- Radiation Protection / 放射線防護
- Radioecology / 放射線生態学
- Radiology / 放射線学
- Risk Communication / リスク・コミュニケーション
- Science, technology and society / 科学技術社会論
- Social Science / 社会科学
- TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant / 東京電力福島第一原子力発電所
- Thyroid / 甲状腺
- CSRP Symposium 2013
- CSRP Symposium 2014
- CSRP2015
- Information / お知らせ
- Miscellaneous / その他
- New Findings / 新たな知見
- Now in Fukushima / 福島はいま
- Publication / 出版物
- Related Documents / 関連資料
- Topic / 気になるトピック