
Title of the speech:
Darwinism is discredited but was Darwin right?


Some scientific theories serve as a template for a “World order” and none more so than Darwin's theory of evolution. In the title of his book, the “On the Origin of Species”, Darwin includes the phrase "struggle for Life" and the title of the third chapter of the book is “Struggle for existence”. Nature is seen as red in tooth and claw and for many creatures life is almost entirely about avoiding death by predators: competition prevails Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection dominates the way we view the natural world through the Modern Synthesis or Neo-Darwinism. This interpretation of Darwin's ideas was founded in the 1930s and is governed by strong scientific beliefs. Three are particularly important: that the process of evolution is gradual and organisms are passive; that genes resident in the nucleus of the cell constitute the unit of inheritance discovered by Mendel; that genes determine the phenotype exhibited by organisms, including us, and our behavioural characteristics. All three of these foundational beliefs have been challenged by evidence acquired in the last few decades. In particular it is clear that organisms are not passive in the evolutionary process, but able, through their ability to be aware of their environments, to influence their own survival. We can conclude that this perspective on evolution promotes cooperation, perhaps even in equal measure with competition: Nature is kinder than Darwin imagined.