Nuclear energy
Scientific seminars
The European Commission organises every year, in cooperation with the Group of Experts referred to in Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty, a Scientific Seminar on emerging issues in Radiation Protection – generally addressing new research findings with potential policy and/or regulatory implications. Leading scientists are invited to present the status of scientific knowledge in the selected topic. Based on the outcome of the Scientific Seminar, the Group of Experts referred to in Article 31 of the Euratom Treaty may recommend research, regulatory or legislative initiatives. The European Commission takes into account the conclusions of the Experts when setting up its radiation protection programme. The Experts’ conclusions are valuable input to the process of reviewing and potentially revising European radiation protection legislation.”
EU Scientific Seminar 2014 on Fukushima – lessons learned and issues
The EU Scientific Seminar 2014 on Fukushima – lessons learned and issues took place in Luxembourg 18 November 2014. Internationally renowned scientists presented current knowledge of the accident in Fukushima and presented
– Introduction to the Accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station;
– Expected influence of the accident on thyroid cancers;
– Exposure and doses – lessons learned;
– Risk assessment – lessons learned;
– Worker dose assessment – lessons learned;
– Emergency preparedness – discussions on a review of the current strategy;
– Ethical issues debated after Fukushima.
The presentations were followed by a round table discussion, in which the speakers, invited additional experts and the Article 31 Group of Experts discussed potential policy implications and research needs.
The proceedings of the EU Scientific Seminar 2014 will be published in the Radiation Protection Series of the European Commission in 2015.
Programme [88 KB]
Introduction to the Accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station [3 MB]
Expected influence of the accident on thyroid cancers [2 MB]
Exposure and doses – lessons learned [258 KB]
Risk assessment – lessons learned [2 MB]
Worker dose assessment – lessons learned [979 KB]
Emergency preparedness – discussions on a review of the current strategy [4 MB]
Ethical issues debated after Fukushima [597 KB]
Round table discussion: Policy implications and research needs – views of the World Health Organisation [5 MB] – How people’s perception can be influenced
[352 KB]
EU Scientific Seminar 2013 – Radiation induced long-term health effects after medical exposure
At the EU Scientific Seminar 2013 on Radiation induced long-term health effects after medical exposure, held on 19 November 2013, internationally renowned scientists presented current knowledge on
– Dosimetry in radio-diagnostic procedures – risk issues and research needs;
– Second primary cancers in adults after radiotherapy – an epidemiological review;
– Cardiovascular diseases after radiotherapy;
– Late effects in children after radiotherapy;
– T scan studies – present results and the future; and on
– Risk communication.
The presentations were followed by a round table discussion, in which the speakers and invited additional experts discussed potential policy implications and research needs.
The proceedings of the EU Scientific Seminar 2013 will be published in the Radiation Protection Series of the European Commission later in 2014.
Programme [112 KB]
Dosimetry in radio-diagnostic procedures – risk issues and research needs [935 KB]
Second primary cancers in adults after radiotherapy – an epidemiological review [699 KB]
Cardiovascular disease after radiation therapy [2 MB]
Late effects in children after radiotherapy [7 MB]
CT scan studies – present results and the future [439 KB]
Risk communications [3 MB]
Research needs, requirements for good quality studies and challenges; policy implications [472 KB]
The five A’s for Europe [2 MB]
EU Scientific Seminar 2012 – Protection of the Environment
At the EU Scientific Seminar 2012 on Protection of the Environment, held on 20 November 2012, internationally renowned scientists presented current knowledge on why and how protecting the environment, the ecological impact of ionising radiation, the protection of the environment in planned exposure situations, effects of non-human species in areas affected by a radiation accident, stakes and limits of bioremediation, and ethical and legal aspects of the issue. The presentations were followed by a round table discussion, in which the speakers and invited additional experts discussed potential policy implications and research needs.
The proceedings of the EU Scientific Seminar 2012 were published in the Radiation Protection Series n° RP177 [2 MB] .
Programme [114 KB]
Protection of the Environment: Why and how? [6 MB]
Ecological impact of ionising radiation: an endpoint issue? [2 MB]
Protection of the Environment in normal situations [2 MB]
Stakes and limits of bioremediation [7 MB]
Ethical aspects of the Protection of the Environment [2 MB]
Legal basis for a regulation on the protection of the environment [282 KB]
Protection of the Environment – Some Personal Thoughts [231 KB]
EU Scientific Seminar 2011 – Individual Radiosensitivity
The EU Scientific Seminar 2011 was held on 22 November 2011 on Individual radiosensitivity. Internationally renowned scientists working in this field presented current knowledge on genetic pathways for the prediction of radiation effects, genetic tools to address individual radiosensitivity, potential of human genome sequencing, ethical aspects, and genetic signatures of radiation induced cancers. The presentations were followed by a round table discussion, in which the speakers and invited additional experts discussed potential policy implications and research needs.
The proceedings of the EU Scientific Seminar 2011 were published in the Radiation Protection Series n° RP171 [2 MB] .
Programme [12 KB]
Individual radiosensitivity – an overview [3 MB]
Genetic pathways for the prediction of the effects of ionising radiation [525 KB]
Genetic tools to address individual radiosensitivity and their limitations [2 MB]
Potential of human genome sequencing [3 MB]
Ethical aspects of testing for individual radiosensitivity [75 KB]
Molecular imprinting of radiation induced cancer [182 KB]
EPI-CT study – overview [3 MB]
EU Scientific Seminar 2010 – Issues with Internal Emitters
The EU Scientific Seminar 2010 was held on 23 November 2010 on Issues with Internal Emitters. Five internationally renowned scientists working in the field of internal emitters presented current knowledge. The speakers offered information on dosimetry, uncertainties, and risk estimates in the context of internal emitters, on progress in understanding radon risk, on the less known Thorium-232 decay chain, and on an update on lessons learnt from thyroid cancers after the Chernobyl accident. The presentations were followed by a round table discussion, in which the speakers and invited additional experts discussed potential policy implications and research needs.
The proceedings of the EU Scientific Seminar 2010 were published in the Radiation Protection Series n° RP168 [2 MB] .
Programme [13 KB]
The issue of dosimetry and uncertainties in the context of internal emitters [2 MB]
Progress in understanding radon risk [894 KB]
Thorium 232 – the less known decay chain [415 KB]
Thyroid cancers after the Chernobyl accident – lessons learnt: an update [300 KB]
MELODI – A European Research and Training (R&T) platform SRA and roadmap [903 KB]