Time and Date: 13:00, Sunday, September 20, 2015 【Day2/Day3】 Japanese
Place: International Conference Room, National Olympics Memorial Center, Yoyogi, Tokyo
Today, more than ever before, science serves the strategies of power in politics and the economy: bio-engineered seed politics, sophisticated drones terror, biochemics to stimulate addiction for sugar and fat, hard- and software-assisted financial speculation and game theory in support of political and economic policy are but a few examples. While sterile seeds, sugar, fat, drones and financial speculation manifest in the public sphere and are thus fortunately eligible to social critique, mathematical modelling of human behaviour and societal dynamics at the service of politics and the market may be called the undercover operations of science. Although these game theory operations are not entirely useless and may not cause direct harm to humans per sé, their detached and often cynical rationalisations of who we are and what we believe, hope and fear may be example of the sadness of how important groups of people see the world today. Against the obsession with rational approaches to total social organisation stands the insight that complexity simply implies giving people the right to participate in making sense of that complexity. We don’t need models, formulas or numbers to defend that insight, only science, economics and politics with the courage to be enlightened by that ‘fourth dimension’. *Excerpted from the Intro text for the film “A Journey into the Land of the 4th Dimension (concept and direction by Gaston Meskens)
Concept note: Integration of wisdom
The 17th century--scientific procedures acquired, continuing on to the present. Dawn of the modern era.
A holy war giving rise to a new god called Object.
Thus began a process of Science acquiring procedures leading to a universal truth, as natural philosophy was detached from art.
From the 19th into the 20th centuries, art and science almost broke away from the aristocratic patronage--only to see the loss of larger truth ensue as the market overwhelmed artistic independence and the industry-boosted scientific technology robbed science of philosophy.
Vulnerability of life bares itself now as economy, industry and politics, along with ignorant masses and experts, threaten the independence of science, art and philosophy.
Is integration of wisdom a necessary future?
Day1 Participating artists and speakers: listed in random order.
TANGE Kouki (videos and installations, NOddIN)
NAGAHATA Koji (soundscapes, Fukushima University)
SHODA Yukihiro (videos, NOddIN)
TANI Ichiro (videos, NOddIN)
Cécile BRICE (collages, Centre national de la recherche scientifique)
YOSHIMURA Shuichi (exhibition, NOddIN)
HIRAI Yuta (moderator, Yuta-man)
OSHIDORI Mako and OSHIDORI Ken (exhibition and disscussant. L.C.M Press)
Kazuma GLEN (dancer)
WATANABE Koichi (artist, Fukushima University)
Cris UBERMANN (videos)
506 (videos)
Gaston MESKENS (philosophy, M..E..T..A..S..P..E..C..T)
KAGEURA Kyo (discussant, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo)
KODAMA Tatsuhiko (discussant, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo)
Shing02 (lecture and discussant)
Day1 Exibitions
“On An Earth @ Fukushima” A map of Fukushima, 90x120x60
“On An Earth of Japan” Cracked lacquer, 180cm diameter & 60 cm high
Film “Black and Red” 12 minutes
Nuclear reactor
TANGE Kouki:
Truth TV #1
Cécile BRICE:
SEN-DIE Nuclear Unit 1
Day1 Timetable
13:00 ~13:30
Doors open
13:30 ~13:40
Dance performance Between Lies and Harmony
13:40 ~14:45
Film screenings
『Fukushima Soundscape: 2011 - 2015』
『Black and Red』
『A letter to the future』
14:45 ~15:45
Introduction of the exhibited works and artist discussion (moderated by TANGE Kouki)
SHODA Yukihiro (videos, NOddIN)
TANI Ichiro (videos, NOddIN)
Cris UBERMANN (videos)
Kazuma GLEN (dancer)
Panel discussion (moderated by HIRAI Yuta)
NAGAHATA Koji (Fukushima University)
WATANABE Koichi (Fukushima University)
Gaston MESKENS (M..E..T..A..S..P..E..C..T)
TANGE Kouki (NOddIN)
KODAMA Tatsuhiko (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo)
KAGEURA Kyo (Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo)
OSHIDORI Mako (L.C.M. Press)
Research Areas:
Born in Tokyo, raised in Tanzania and England, Shing02 came up in the independent SF Bay Area scene in the early '90s. Over the course of his independent career starting in 1995, he has collaborated with various DJs and musicians, most notably with the late Japanese producer Nujabes. As the inventor of the Vestax Faderboard, he toured around for a few years with the free-jazz trio, Kosmic Renaissance. Recently he has released the FTTB mixCD series with DJ Icewater and "1200 Ways" with DJ $hin. Shing02 directed four short films, including "Bustin'" (2014) and "The Divider" (2015).
[BOKU TO KAKU (The Atom and I)]
Shing02, independent hiphop musician, started researching issues surrounding nuclear energy in 2006 while being involved in “STOP ROKKASHO” project that protested the starting of the nuclear reprocessing center (which still has been delayed) in Aomori, Japan. Through the use of infographs that combine scientific information and color-coded graphics, his online reports helped bridge the gap between expert lectures and civil discussions. The research continued after the nuclear disaster as a result of the great earthquake in 2011, Shing02 visited library archives around the world to study the effects of low-dose internal radiation.
Affiliation:Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima University
Research Areas:Soundscape, Noise
Associate Professor, Division of Human Support System, Faculty of Symbiotic Systems Science, Fukushima University. Doctor of Design. Continued with soundscape studies ever since encountering them while a student in the Department of Acoustic Design, Kyushu Institute of Design. After completing the doctoral program at Kyushu Institute of Design Graduate School in 1998, Dr. Nagahata had a stint as an associate professor at the Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences, Fukushima University, before assuming the current position. After the nuclear power plant accident, on May 1, 2011, he began recording changes in the soundscape of Fukushima, The recordings are available on the website, Fukushima Soundsapes (After 3.11) ( http://www.sss.fukushima-u.ac.jp/~nagahata/fsp_311/index-e.html).
What can be learned from how the Fukushima soundscape changed after the nuclear power plant accident?
A soundscape is the world of sounds that we hear in our daily life. The nuclear power plant accident brought about major changes to the soundscape in Fukushima, and these changes are ongoing even now. In this lecture, we will discuss what a change in soundscape means while listening to a collection of the Fukushima soundscapes which have been recorded since May 2011.
Affiliation:Faculty of Human Development and Culture, Fukushima University
Research Areas:Painting, Contemporary Art
Professor, Fukushima University 1967 Born in Hokkaido, Japan 1992 Completed Graduate School, Division of Art, University of Tsukuba
On An Earth
So far I have created art with a theme of skin as a life form. Currently, my lectures at Fukushima University, as a specialist in painting and contemporary art, involve how to draw the human body and how to express, while I teach Artistic Anatomy at Fukushima Medical University. Involved with both physical body and art, I have explored studies linking them to emergent culture, art, and education.
In this presentation, I intend to reveal the meaning in present-day art, by layering the uniquely Japanese body view in art expression with traditional culture,
Film director/Art director/Human
Profile Kouki Tange studied under famed Butoh dancer, Kazuo Ohno. Tange has directed hundreds of music videos and published the Tange Kouki Music Video Collection. He has produced CD jacket designs, developed book formats, directed art events, and supported employment for disabled people. He is a representative of both the film company Yellow Brain and the design company Mabataki. However, in protest of nuclear power usage in Japan, Tange suspended the companies in 2012. He then instituted the art collective, NOddIN, which he continues today.
Profile A native of Tokyo, Hirai graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York in 2000. After returning to Japan in 2001, he was active as an artist, producer, interpreter, and editor and worked as a freelance writer under the name Yuta Man. Since the March 11, 2011 disaster, he has commuted regularly to Fukushima to support the recovery effort and in October 2012 has worked in the office of the “Soil Screening Project” in progress through collaboration of local agricultural and consumer cooperatives along with Fukushima University. He is co-author of No no saisei to shoku no anzen: Genpatsu jiko to Fukushima no ni-nen [Revival of Agriculture and Food Security: Fukushima Two years After the Nuclear Power Plant Accident] (Shin Nihon Shuppan, 2013), also an author of Fukushima: Mirai wo kirihiraku [Fukushima: Curving out a Future] (SEEDS Shuppan, 2015)